योग्य वि
अच्छा [अच्छी], अर्ह, अर्हंत, अह्ल, क़ाबिल, कामिल, क्वालिफ़ाइड, गुनिया, दक्ष, प्रभु, बढ़िया, माक़ूल, योग्य, लायक़, विश्वसनीय, सक्षम, समर्थ, समर्थित, स्किल्ड.
Similar Concepts
अनुभवी, अर्हतासंपन्न, कुशल (कर्मी), दक्ष, प्रतिभाशाली, प्रशिक्षित, बुद्धिमान, सक्षम, सुपात्र.
Opposite Concepts
अदक्ष, अनुभवहीन, अपात्र, अयोग्य, नौसिखिया, फूहड़.
competent adj
properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient.
able, adept, adroit, agile, capable, competent, dependable, efficient, endowed, fit, good, good for, having the ability, having the capability, having what it takes, intelligent, knowing, masterful, meritorious, proficient, qualified, reliable, skilled, smart, suitable, up to the mark, versed, well-versed, worth one's salt.
Similar Concepts
capable, deserving, eligible, experienced, expert, intelligent, skilled, talented, trained.
Opposite Concepts
incompetent, inexperienced, inexpert, novice, sloppy, undeserving.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.