अवलोकन सं
किसी ओर दृष्टिपात कर के आँखोँ से देखने का कर्म.
अवलोकन, अवेक्षण, आलोचन, ईक्षण, जोहन, दर्शन, दिखन, दृष्टिकर्म, दृष्टिपात, देखन, निरीक्षण, निहारन, प्रेक्षण, बिलोकन, मुलाहज़ा, लक्षण, लखन, लोचन, विलोकन, वीक्षण, वेक्षण, वेखन, संलक्षण, संलोकन, संवेक्षण, समालोकन, समालोचन, समीक्षण, साक्षात्करण.
Similar Concepts
आलक्षण, इंस्पैक्शन, ओवरसीइंग, झलक, झाँक, टकटकी, ताकझाँक, दृष्टिपात, पूर्वावलोकन, प्रत्यक्ष दर्शन, प्रेक्षण, विहंगावलोकन, सुपरविज़न, अवलोकन शैली, आँख दिखनी, देखने वाला.
Opposite Concepts
अनवलोकन, आलोकन, नेत्र निमीलन, प्रदर्शन.
looking n
the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually.
beholding, espial, glancing, glimpsing, inspecting, looking, observing, perceiving, regarding, seeing, sighting, viewing, watching, witnessing.
Similar Concepts
eyewitnessing, glimpse, inspection, observation, observing, overseeing, preview, snooping, staring, bird's eye view, cursory glance, eye, looker, manner of looking, peep, supervision.
Opposite Concepts
closing one's eyes, illumination, not looking, overlooking, showing.
Sample Phrases
"he went out to have a look"
"his look was fixed on her eyes"
"he gave it a good looking at"
"his camera does his looking for him".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.