eligible adj
qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen.
able, acceptable, adequate, all right, befitting, best, capable of, competent, competent to, desirable, eligible, employable, endowed, equipped, fit, fit for, fitted, fitted for, fit to be chosen, merited, meriting, meritorious, passable, proficient, qualifiable, qualified, reasonable, resourceful, retainable, right, satisfactory, sound, suitable, suited, suited to, to the purpose, well-equipped, well-suited, worthy, worthy of acceptance, worthy of being chosen.
Similar Concepts
accreditable, competent, deserving, employable, experienced, expert, recommendable, selectable, trained.
Opposite Concepts
ineligible, undeserving.
Sample Phrases
"Mohan was found eligible for the high office.".
अर्हतासंपन्न वि
अर्हतासंपन्न, अर्ह्य, क्वालिफ़ाइड, गुणी, ग्राह्य, चयनीय, दुरुस्त, पर्याप्त, मान्य, योग्य, योग्यतासंपन्न, रखने योग्य, लायक़, वांछनीय, संतोषजनक, समर्ह, समुपयुक्त, सही, स्वीकार्य.
Similar Concepts
अनुभवी, आजीविका योग्य, चयनीय, दक्ष, प्रशिक्षित, योग्य, श्रेयाधिकारी, सिफ़ारिश योग्य, सुपात्र.
Opposite Concepts
अपात्र, अर्हताहीन.
Hindi (Roman Script)
arhatAsampanna, arhya, chayanIya, durusta, grAhya, guNI, kvAliph.AiDa, lAyak.a, mAnya, paryApta, rakhaneyogya, sahI, samarha, samupayukta, santoshajanaka, svIkArya, vAnchhanIya, yogya, yogyatAsampanna.
Similar Concepts
chayanIya, daksha, AjIvikAyogya, anubhavI, prashikshita, shreyAdhikArI, siph.Arishayogya, supAtra, yogya.
Opposite Concepts
apAtra, arhatAhIna.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.