shower ridicule v
ridiculed, ridicules, ridiculing.
affront, attack, bait, barrack, barricade, be contemptuous of, befool, belittle, boo, chaff, crack, cut, cut up, damn, denigrate, depreciate, deride, dig, disdain, disparage, dispraise, embarrass, gag, gibe, gird, girt, give someone the needle, harass, heckle, hit, hold up to scorn, hoot, jape, jeer, joke, kid, lampoon, laugh at, leer, little, make fun of, make light of, make little of, mock, needle, offend, pan, pillory, poke fun at, pull someone's leg, rag, reprehend, revile, rib, ride, ridicule, roast, satirize, scandalize, scathe, scoff, scoff at, scorn, scout, shower ridicule, smirk, sneer at, spurn, squib, taunt, tease, traduce, trifle, twit, whoop.
Similar Concepts
admonish, assail with taunts, befool, cause to be chagrined, disparage, humiliate, make a wry face, write satires.
Opposite Concepts
admire, clap, confer an honour, honour.
उपहास करना क्रि
उपहास करना, ख़ाक उड़ाना, ख़ाका खीँचना, खिल्ली उड़ाना, खीँचना, छेपटी उड़ाना, ठिठोली करना, ठी ठी करना, ताली पीटना, बोली ठोली मारना, भद्द उड़ाना, भद्द पीटना, मखौल करना, मज़ाक़ उड़ाना, मूर्ख बनाना, लिहाड़ी लेना, व्यंग्य करना, हँसना, हँसी उड़ाना.
Similar Concepts
अपमान करना, कटाक्ष करना, झेँपाना, डाँटना, निंदा करना, मुँह बिचकाना, मूर्ख बनाना, व्यंग्य लिखना.
Opposite Concepts
ताली बजाना, प्रशंसा करना, सम्मान करना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.