सम्मान सं
सम्मानोँ, सम्मानों.
आदर, आबरू, इज़्ज़त, उच्चता, उपचर्या, गणमान्यता, गौरव, जाह, नाम, नेकनामी, प्रतिष्ठा, प्रशंसा, बुज़ुर्गीयत, मरतबा, मर्तबा, महानता, मान, मान्यता, मूल्य, रुतबा, वक़त, वरिष्ठता, विभूति, विशिष्टता, शान, सन्मान, समादर, सम्मान, सम्माननीयता, हस्ती.
Similar Concepts
भारतीय सम्मान, अभिनंदन पत्र, अभिमान, आदर, उपाधि, कलापूर्णता, चाटुकारिता, द्वंद्वयुद्ध, पूजा, प्रतिष्ठा, प्रशंसा, प्रसिद्धि, महत्व, महानता, महान सफलता, महिमामंडन, मानदेय, मानवीयता, श्रेय, सम्मान आसन, सम्मान परिधान, सम्मान फलक, स्वागत भोज.
Opposite Concepts
अपमान, असम्मान, असम्मान्यता, निंदा, प्रतिष्ठाहीनता, बदनामी, महत्वहीनता, मानहानि, लांछन.
honour n
the quality of being honourable and having a good name.
adoration, adulation, appreciation, approbation, attention, courteous regard, credit, deference, deification, distinction, elevation, esteem, eulogium, exaltation, favour, glory, greatness, halo, homage, honor, honour, merit, name, obeisance, position, prestige, propriety, rank, recognition, regard, renown, reputation, repute, respect, reverence, status, tribute, value, veneration, virtue.
Similar Concepts
Indian honour(s), commemorative note, commemorative plate, credit, dress of honour, duel, fame, flattery, glamorization, greatness, great success, honorarium, humaneness, importance, praise, prestige, pride, pride of place, quality of being artstic, respect, title, welcome feast, worship.
Opposite Concepts
absence of respect, act of insulting, defamation, disparagement, notoriety, prestigelessness, stigma, unimportance.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.