भंडा फोड़ना क्रि
असली रूप दिखाना, उघाड़ना, क़लई उतारना, कीचड़ उछालना, खोद निकालना, खोलना, झूठे दावों की पोल खोलना, दर्पिता तोड़ना, दिखाना, नक़ाब उतारना, परदा उघाड़ना, परदाफ़ाश करना, पाखंड अनावृत्त करना, पाखंड तोड़ना, पोल खोलना, भंडाफोड़ करना, भंडा फोड़ना, भेद खोलना, रंग उतारना, रहस्य उद्घाटन करना, रहस्य खोलना, रहस्य बताना, रहस्योद्घाटन करना, लथेड़ना, शान उतारना, शेख़ी निकालना.
Similar Concepts
चुग़ली करना, झुठलाना, दिखाना, निंदा करना, भंड़ाफोड़ होना, महिमामर्दन करना, रहस्य खोलना, रहस्य न रख पाना, रहस्य बताना, रहस्य बताना, सूचना देना.
Opposite Concepts
छिपाना, वास्तविकता छिपाना.
unmask v
bare, blow, blow the gaff, blow the lid off , blow the whistle, blow wide open, bring on, bring to light, bring to light, clear up, debunk, disclose, disinter, drag before the public, drag through the mud, excavate, exhume, explode, expose, expose false claims, expose glamour of, expose it all, expose pretensions, flash, give away, go public, implicate, inform, lay bare, lay open, lay open to, make known, muckrake, nail, nail a lie, nail down, name names, open, paint in its true colour, rake up, report, reveal, ridicule, sharpen, show, speak out, squawk, tell, tell tales, uncloak, uncover, unearth, unfold, unmask, unravel, unroll, unseal, unveil, unwrap, wash dirty linen in public.
Similar Concepts
backbite, belie, be not able to keep secret, be unmasked, deglamourize, disparage, divulge a secret, divulge a secret, inform, lay a secret open, show.
Opposite Concepts
conceal the reality, hide.
Hindi (Roman Script)
asalIrUpadikhAnA, bhedakholanA, bhanDAphod.akaranA, bhanDAphod.anA, dikhAnA, darpitAtod.anA, jhUTHedAvonkIpolakholanA, khodanikAlanA, kholanA, kIchad.auchhAlanA, k.alaIutAranA, lathed.anA, nak.AbautAranA, pAkhanDaanAvrittakaranA, pAkhanDatod.anA, polakholanA, paradAph.AshakaranA, paradAughAd.anA, rahasyabatAnA, rahasyakholanA, rahasyodghATanakaranA, rahasyaudghATanakaranA, rangautAranA, shekh.InikAlanA, shAnautAranA, ughAd.anA.
Similar Concepts
bhand.Aphod.ahonA, chug.alIkaranA, dikhAnA, jhuTHalAnA, mahimAmardanakaranA, nindAkaranA, rahasyabatAnA, rahasyabatAnA, rahasyakholanA, rahasyanarakhapAnA, sUchanAdenA.
Opposite Concepts
chhipAnA, vAstavikatAchhipAnA.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.