ridicule n
the act of deriding or treating with contempt or writing in such a manner about him.
censure, derision, dig, drollery, flak, fleer, fun, gibe, heckling, irony, irreverence, lampooning, making fun of, mischief, misprision, mockery, mocking, poking fun, ragging, raspberry, razz, revilement, reviling, ribbing, ridicule, scorn, taunt, taunting, teasing.
Similar Concepts
act of insulting, derision, disparagement, satire, satirical writing, taunt, backhanded compliment, banter, guffaw, joke, laughter, parody, pleasantry, quick wit, raillery, satirical writing, waggery.
Opposite Concepts
congratulations, plaudit, praise, raillery.
Sample Phrases
"He was subjected to public ridicule.".
उपहास सं
किसी को व्यंग्य, कटाक्ष या निंदा के भाव से चुटकी लेने या लिखने का कर्म.
अवरेब, आलोचना, उपहास, चोज, छेपटी, बोली, बोली ठिठोली, मखौल, मज़ाक़, लिहाड़ी, लेहाड़ी, विकत्थन, शरारत, हँसी, हस, हसन, हसित, हाँसी, हास, हास उपहास, हास्य.
Similar Concepts
अपमान, कटाक्ष, खिल्ली, व्यंग्य, व्यंग्य रचना, व्याज प्रशंसा, अट्टहास, चकल्लस, चुटकुला, चुहल, निंदा, पैरोडी, विनोद, हँसी, हाज़िरजवाबी.
Opposite Concepts
चुहल, प्रशंसा, बधाई, शाबाशी.
Sample Phrases
"होली पर दुलहँडी के दिन नाचरंग के बहाने भाँड लोग गोरे साहबोँ का उपहास करते थे.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.