आदत सं
बार बार करते रहने से पड़ा व्यवहार आदि का नियत ढंग - अकसर यह लगभग अनजाने स्वचालित होता है.
अभ्यास, अमन, आदत, टेव, ढंग, ढब, ढर्रा, तरीक़ा, तौर, तौरतरीक़ा, बरताव, बान, रवैया, रास्ता, लीक, व्यवहार, शैली, स्वभाव, हैबिट.
Similar Concepts
आदीपन, चरित्र, मनोवृत्ति, लक्षण, वैयक्तिकता, व्यक्तित्व, व्यवहार, व्यसन, स्वभाव, स्वाभाविकता.
habit n
a way of acting fixed through repetition - doing things unconsciously and often compulsively.
bent, character, custom, disposition, fixed attitude, form, general usage, habit, habitude, manner, method, mode, nature, pattern, practice, predisposition, rut, second nature, settled or regular tendency or practice, something done often and easily, style, usage, way, wont.
Similar Concepts
addictedness, addiction, behaviour, characteristics, ethos, individuality, instinctiveness, mentality, personality, practice (verb), temperament.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.