भयभीत वि
अकुलाता [अकुलाती], अपगल्भ, आंदोलनशील, आंदोलित, आकंपित, आकुल, आतंकित, आतुर, आलुल, उद्विग्न, उल्लल, कँपकँपाता [कँपकँपाती], कंपनशील, कंपायमान, कँपाया [कँपाई], कंपायित, कंपित, कंपिल, कच्चा [कच्ची], काँपता [काँपती], कातर, क्षुब्ध, ख़ौफ़ज़द, ख़ौफ़ज़दा, घबराया [घबराई], डरता [डरती], डरा [डरी], त्रस्त, त्रासित, थमा [थमी], थरथर, थरथराता [थरथराती], थर्राता [थर्राती], दहलता [दहलती], दहला [दहली], दोलित, धुत, धूत, धून, निर्धूत, परित्रस्त, प्रकंपित, प्रकंपी, प्रभीत, प्रलोल, प्रलोलित, प्रेंखित, फक, बदरंग, भयकंपित, भयग्रस्त, भयत्रस्त, भयभीत, भयविह्वल, भयाकुल, भयाक्रांत, भयातुर, भयान्वित, भयार्त, भीत, लल, विकंपनशील, विकंपित, विकंपिल, विकंपी, विजड़ित, विवर्ण, विह्वल, व्यथी, व्याकुल, संचलित, संत्रस्त, संत्रासित, संलोड़ित, समुद्विग्न, समुल्लसित, सहमा [सहमी], सातंक, सिहरा [सिहरी], सुविक्लव, स्तब्ध, हौलदिल.
Similar Concepts
अप्रतिरोधी, आतंकानुभूतिग्रस्त, उन्मादग्रस्त, कंपनशील, कंपित, कायरतापूर्ण (व्यक्ति), चिंतित, पलायनशील, पलायित, पस्त, बमातंकित, भय, रोमांचित, विचलनशील, विचलित, संकटग्रस्त.
Opposite Concepts
आत्मविश्वासी, उत्साहित, निर्भय, भयानक, साहसी.
frightened adj
abject, afeared, affrighted, afraid, aghast, agitated, alarmed, apprehensive, ashen, ashy, awed, baffled, blanched, blank, bothered, browbeaten, bullied, cautious, chastised, chastized, chickened, colourless, cowed, cowering, cracked, creep, crouching, daunted, diffident, discomposed, discouraged, disheartened, dismayed, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, dumbstruck, edgy, fearful, fidgety, fixed, frighted, frightened, frightened to death, frozen, full of dread, horrent, horrified, horror-struck, hysterical, immobile, immobilized, in a fright, in a funk, in awe, insecure, intimidated, jittery, jumping, jumpy, leery, moon-eyed, nerveless, nerves, nerves all shot, nervous, nervy, open-mouthed, out of one's senses, out of one's wits, overcome, pale, pale with fear, palled, palpitating, palsied, panicked, panicking, panicky, panic-stricken, perplexed, petrified, quailing, quaking, quaky, quavery, quivering, quivery, rattled, reluctant, restive, restless, scared, scared stiff, scared to death, scary, shaken, shaking, shaking in one's boots, shaking like a leaf, shaking with fear, shaky, shivery, shocked, shook-up, showing the white feather, shrinking, shuddering, shy, spineless, spiritless, still, struck dumb, stunned, tense, terrified, terrorized, terror-stricken, threatened, timid, trembling, trembly, tremorous, tremulous, troubled, unassured, uneasy, unnerved, unstrung, upset, washed-out, waxen, white as a sheet, wimpish, worried, zonked.
Similar Concepts
cowardly (person), crisis-ridden, depressed, endangered, escaped from fight, fear, fleeing, maniacal, phobic, shaken, shaking, shell-shocked, thrilled, unresisting, unstable, vacillated, worried.
Opposite Concepts
courageous, encouraged, fearless, frightening, self-confident.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.