ख़तरनाक वि
अनिश्चित, अनिष्टकर, आक्रामक, आपदापूर्ण, आपदायुक्त, कठिन, कष्टप्रद, ख़तरनाक, गंभीर, गाढ़ा [गाढ़ी], घातक, चिंताजनक, जोखिमपूर्ण, जोखिमभरा, दुबिधाजनक, दुष्ट, नाज़ुक, नाशात्मक, बेढब, भय कर्ता, भयप्रद, भयानक, भयावह, रक्षकहीन, विकट, विनाशात्मक, विपत्तिकर, विपदात्मक, संकटपूर्ण, संकटप्रद, संकटात्मक, संगीन, संतापकर, संदिग्ध, संशयकर, सकंटक, सख़्त.
Similar Concepts
अत्याचारपूर्ण, अपालतू, असुरक्षित, आक्रामक, कठिन, घातक, चुनौती भरा, जोखिमपूर्ण, ज्वलनशील, तूफ़ानी, भयानक, युद्धग्रस्त, वहशियाना, विषाक्त, विस्फोटशील, संकटग्रस्त, संकटापन्न, समस्यात्मक, हिंस्र.
Opposite Concepts
अनाहतिकारक, अहानिकारक, अहिंसक, जोखिमहीन, निश्शस्त्र, रक्षित, शांत, हास्यप्रद.
dangerous adj
alarming, baleful, bleak, calamitous, catastrophic, chanceful, cloudy, critical, crucial, crying, dangerous, decisive, deep, difficult, dire, dirty, disastrous, discomposing, dismal, distressful, distressing, dodgy, dubious, dubitable, exigent, exposed, fateful, formidable, foul, fraught with danger, frightful, grave, grim, hanging by a thread, hard, harmful, hazardous, heavy, jeopardous, menacing, minacious, mortal, nasty, ominous, parlous, perilous, perishable, portentous, precarious, quaky, risky, rough, rugged, serious, severe, shaky, solemn, stormy, stressful, terrible, thorny, tough, treacherous, tremendous, unshielded.
Similar Concepts
aggressive, barbaric, bloody, challenging, crisis-ridden, difficult, endangered, explosive (material), ferocious, frightening, inflammable, insecure, lethal, poisonous, problematic, risky, stormy, tyrannical, undomesticated, wartorn.
Opposite Concepts
calm, defended, harmless, insecure, laugh-provoking, noninjurious, nonviolent, riskless, unarmed.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.