augustness in behaviour n
(behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety), augustness, augustness in behavior, augustness in behaviour, bonds, bound, bounds, breeding, character, circumscription, correct behaviour, correctitude, decency, decorous conduct, decorum, demeanour, dignified behaviour, dignified conduct, dignity, discipline, discretion, ethos, etiquette, fairness, formality, good behaviour, gravitas, gravity, high conduct, high mien, ideal, ideal conduct, limit, mien, modesty, nobility, nobility of manner, presence, proper conduct, proper deportment, protocol, reserve, reservedness, restraint, rightness, seemliness, sobriety, solemnity, solemnness, standard conduct, standard of conduct, standard of judgement, sublimity, tradition, traditional behaviour, urbaneness, urbanity.
Similar Concepts
duty as a king, family tradition, idealist, Lakshman rekha, Raghukul tradition, boundary, conduct, dutifulness, duty, ethicality, greatness, ideals, inviolation, moral conduct, restraint, rule of conduct, sobriety, tradition.
Opposite Concepts
violation, willfulness.
मर्यादा सं
मर्यादाएँ, मर्यादाओँ, मर्यादाओं.
समुचित और सुरुचिपूर्ण आचरण.
आचरण सीमा, आचरणीय आदर्श, आदर्श, उदात्तता, कुलकानि, गंभीरता, जनपद धर्म, जनाचार, जीवन धर्म, धर्म, धारणा, नीति, नैतिकता, परंपरा, मरजादा, मर्या, मर्याद, मर्यादा, रीति, रेखा, लीक, लीख, लोक, लोकगति, लोकचार, लोकचारित, लोकपथ, लोकपद्धति, लोक परंपरागत व्यवहार, लोकमर्यादा, लोकाचार, व्रत, शील, संयतता, संयम, सदाचार परंपरा, सीमा, सेतु, सौम्यता, स्थिरमनस्कता, हद, हद्द.
Similar Concepts
कुल परंपरा, मर्यादा पुरुष, रघुकुल मर्यादा, राजधर्म, लक्ष्मण रेखा, संयम, अनुल्लंघन, आचरण, आचरण, आदर्श, कर्तव्य, कर्तव्य पालन, गंभीरता, नैतिकता, परंपरा, महानता, व्यवहार नियम, सदाचार, सीमा.
Opposite Concepts
उल्लंघन, स्वेच्छाचार.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.