strong adj
having strength or power greater than average or expected.
adamantine, beefed-up, brawny, bullnecked, bullocky, cast-iron, compact, dependable, doughty, firm, fixed, fortified, foursquare, hard, hardy, heavy-duty, heavyset, hefty, indurate, iron, ironlike, made of iron, muscular, powerful, rigid, rigorous, rocky, rugged, solid, sound, stable, steady, steely, stout, strong, strongly-built, sturdy, substantial, tenacious, tough, unyielding, wally.
Similar Concepts
durable, fortified, immovable, intense, invincible, robust, secure, unbreakable, unimpressible, unpliable, well-founded, well-nourished.
Opposite Concepts
breakable, elastic, insecure, malnourished, pliable, sluggish, soft, unstable, weak.
Sample Phrases
"a strong radio signal"
"strong medicine"
"a strong man".
सुदृढ़ वि
अंसल, अनश्वर, अमिट, अविकारी, आहनी, कठोर, कड़ा [कड़ी], क़ायम, कालजीत, चट्टानी, चाकचक, टाँठा [टाँठी], टिकाऊ, ठस, ठोस, तगड़ा [तगड़ी], दृढ़, दृढ़स्थ, धुर, पक्का [पक्की], परपूठा [परपूठी], परिदृढ़, पायदार, पुख़्त, पुख़्ता, फ़ौलादी, भीष्म, मज़बूत, रुस्त, लौह, वज्र, व्यूढ़, सख़्त, सघन, सांद्र, सारपूर्ण, सुदृढ़, सुस्थित, स्ट्रौँग, स्थूल.
Similar Concepts
अजेय, अनम्य, अप्रभाव्य, अभंज्य, टिकाऊ, दुर्गीकृत, प्रबल, बलिष्ठ, सुदृढ़ नीँव वाला, सुपोषित, सुरक्षित, स्थावर.
Opposite Concepts
असुरक्षित, अस्थिर, कुपोषित, कोमल, नम्य, निर्बल, भंजनशील, लचकदार, शिथिलकाय.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.