acting n
the performance of a part or role in a drama etc.
acting, action, apery, appearance, art, characterization, delineation, depiction, dramatics, enacting, enactment, gesticulation, imitation, interpretation, mimicry, miming, performance, performing, play, playacting, playing, portrayal, pose, posing, presentation, representation, role, simulation, stage playing, staging.
Similar Concepts
acting profession, actor, actress, art, audition, body posture, comic acting, dialogue, disguising, drama, expression of emotion, externalization of emotion, gesture, greasepaint, greenroom, mimicry, movie, pantomime, passive acting, radio, rehearsal, stage costume, staging, television.
अभिनय सं
नाटक आदि मेँ दूसरे व्यक्तियों के भाषण तथा चेष्टा का कुछ काल के लिए धारण.
अदा, अदाकारी, अदायगी, अभिनय, अभिनय कर्म, अभिनयन, अभिव्यंजना, ऐक्टिंग, कला, कलाकारी, नक़ल, नटकर्म, नाटय मुद्रा, नाट्य, प्रस्तुति, भाव प्रदर्शन, रंगावतरण, लीला, हावभाव, हावभाव प्रदर्शन.
Similar Concepts
अनुभाव, अभिनय परीक्षा, अभिनय व्यवसाय, अभिनेता, अभिनेत्री, कला, ग्रीनरूम, छद्मवेश धारण, टैलिविज़न, नक़्क़ाली, नाटक, प्रतिक्रिय अभिनय, फ़िल्म, भंगिमा, भाव अभिव्यक्ति, मंचन, मंच मेकअप, मंचवेश, मूक अभिनय, रिहर्सल, रेडियो, शरीर मुद्रा, संवाद, हास्य अभिनय.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.