laziness n
complacency, dilly-dallying, dormancy, doziness, dreaminess, drowsiness, dullness, ennui, faintness, hebetude (mental lethargy), idleness, inactivity, inanition, indolence, inertia, inertness, lackadaisicalness, laggardliness, languidness, languor, languorousness, lassitude, laxness, laziness, lethargy, lifelessness, lingering, listlessness, lounging, otiosity, shiftlessness, slackness, slothfulness, slouching, somnolence, spring fever, torpescence, torpidity, torpidness, torpor, unenthusiasm.
Similar Concepts
druggedness, delay, dopiness, drowsiness, druggedness, fatigue, inactivity, intoxication, lack of desire, malingering, nonattachment to outcome of action, nonendeavour, relaxation, slowness, slow speed, stretching of limbs, unendeavouring, unwillingness, weakness, yawning.
Opposite Concepts
agility, endeavour, hard work, industriousness, speediness, state of being busy, striving, urgency.
आलस सं
अकर्मण्यता, अचेष्टा, अजीवंतता, अनिच्छा, अनुत्साह, अलसान, अलसेट, आरामतलबी, आरामपसंदी, आलकस, आलस, आलस्य, कसालत, काहिली, गतिहीनता, जम्हाई, ढिल्लड़पन, ढीलापन, तेजहीनता, थकान, निद्रिलता, निर्जीवता, निश्चेष्टता, निष्क्रियता, पोस्तीपन, फ़ुरसत, बुझापुन, बोझीलापन, भारीपन, मरतैलियापन, मरियलपन, माँदगी, लद्धड़पन, विश्रामप्रियता, विश्राम प्रेम, शिथिलकायता, सुस्ती, स्फूर्तिहीनता, स्वप्नतंद्रिता.
Similar Concepts
मदालस, अँगड़ाई, अनिच्छा, अनिच्छुकता, अप्रयास, कर्मफल अनासक्ति, कामचोरी, जँभाई, तंद्रा, थकान, निर्बलता, निष्क्रियता, पिनक, प्रयासहीन, मंद गति, मंदता, मद, विलंब, विश्राम, विश्राम.
Opposite Concepts
चुस्ती, तात्कालिकता, द्रुतता, परिश्रम, परिश्रमशीलता, प्रयास, व्यस्तता, साधना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.