enthusiastic adj
ablaze, afire, aggressive, agog, alive, animated, ardent, astir, avid, bubbling over, crazy about, crouse, eager, earnest, enterprising, enthusiastic, frenetic, full of life, full of life and vigour, full of pep, go-ahead, gung-ho, hearty, high-spirited, hyped on, intense, intent, keyed up, live, lively, living, lusty, mad about, perky, pushing, restless, spirited, spirituous, sprightly, upbeat, wholehearted, willing, yeasty, youthful, zealous, zestful, zingy, zippy.
Similar Concepts
active, agile, ambitious, courageous, eager, encouraged, encouraging, enthusiasm, hardworking, hopeful, optimist, overenthusiastic, rajoguni, ready for action, willing, workaholic, youthful.
Opposite Concepts
de-enthused, dejected, derelict, disappointed, inactive, melancholic, tired, unambitious, unwilling.
उत्साही वि
अम्लान, आतुर, उच्छल, उत्साहपूर्ण, उत्साहिल, उत्साही, उत्सुक, उमंगपूर्ण, उमंगशील, ऊर्जस्वी [ऊर्जस्विनी], ऊर्जावान [ऊर्जावती], कर्मण्य, कर्मशील, क्रियाशील, गतिशील, गरम, चाक़चौबंद, चेतन, ज़िंदादिल, जीवंत, जोशीला [जोशीली], तत्पर, ताज़ा, तेज़, पुरजोश, प्रफुल्ल, बेक़रार, मनचला [मनचली], मुस्तैद, यौवनपूर्ण, संजीव, सक्रिय, सचेतन, सजीव, सतेज, समुत्साहिल, समुत्साही.
Similar Concepts
अति उत्साही, आतुर, आशापूर्ण, आशावादी, उत्साह, उत्साहप्रद, उत्साहित, कार्योन्मादी, चुस्त, परिश्रमी, महत्वाकांक्षी, यौवनपूर्ण, रजोगुणी, सक्रिय, सन्नद्ध, साहसी, स्वेच्छुक.
Opposite Concepts
अनिच्छुक, अमहत्वाकांक्षी, उदास, कर्तव्यच्युत, थका [थकी], निराश, निष्क्रिय, विषादोन्मादग्रस्त, हतोत्साहित.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.