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 शाश्वततः ​क्रिवि ​


अंतहीनतः, अत्यंत, अनंत काल तक, अविरततः, आज और हमेशा, आद्यंतहीनतः, कल आज और कल, कालहीनतः, कालातीततः, चिर, चिरंतनतः, चिरकालीनतः, जब तक जग में चाँद सितारे, जुग जुग, दर रोज़, दवाम, दायम, नितराम, नित्य, नित्यतः, नित्यदा, नित्यशः, नियमतः, निरंतर, बराबर, बहरहाल, मुदाम, युग युग, युगों तक, रात दिन, लगातार, विश्वथा, शश्वत, शाश्वत, शाश्वततः, सकृत, सतत, सतततः, सदई, सदा, सदा के लिए, सदाभव, सदा सदा, सदा सर्वदा, सदैव, सदैवतः, सना, सनात, सनातनतः, सर्वत्र, सर्वथा, सर्वदा, सर्वशः, साश्वत, हमेश, हमेशा, हमेशा के लिए, हमेशा हमेशा, हमेशा हमेशा के लिए.

Similar Concepts

अमरतः, आजीवन, प्रायः, हमेशा.

Opposite Concepts

कुछ देर के लिए, शायद ही कभी.


 eternally ​adv ​


all along, all the time, chronically, consistently, constantly, continually, day after day, diurnally, durably, e'er, endlessly, eternally, ever, ever and again, evermore, for all time, for eternity, forever, forever after, for ever and a day, for ever and ever, forevermore, for good, for good and all, for keeps, in aeternum, in all ages, incessantly, indefectibly, indefinitely, infinitely, in perpetuity, in perpetuum, in saecula saeculorum, interminably, lastingly, minutely, now and forever, once and for all, permanently, perpetually, persistently, recurrently, recurringly, regularly, reoccurringly, repeatedly, repetitiously, repetitively, semper, sempre, thereafter, timelessly, to infinity, toujours, unceasingly, unchangingly, unfailingly, unlimitedly, until Doomsday, until the Day of Judgement, until the end of time, without end, without exception, year after year.

Similar Concepts

always, immortally, often, throughout life.

Opposite Concepts

for a short time, hardly ever.

'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.



 शाश्वततः ​क्रिवि ​

Rhyming Words

कालातीततः, सतततः, अविरततः, शाश्वततः, चिरकालीनतः, अंतहीनतः, आद्यंतहीनतः, कालहीनतः, चिरंतनतः, सनातनतः, नियमतः, नित्यतः, सदैवतः, नित्यशः, सर्वशः, सर्वथा, विश्वथा, नित्यदा, सर्वदा, सदा सर्वदा, सदा, सदा सदा, सना, हमेशा, हमेशा हमेशा, आज और हमेशा, सदई, सदा के लिए, हमेशा के लिए, हमेशा हमेशा के लिए, जब तक जग में चाँद सितारे, युगों तक, अनंत काल तक, जुग जुग, युग युग, दर रोज़, अत्यंत, सनात, सकृत, सतत, शाश्वत, साश्वत, शश्वत, सर्वत्र, रात दिन, मुदाम, नितराम, दवाम, दायम, नित्य, लगातार, चिर, निरंतर, बराबर, बहरहाल, कल आज और कल, सदैव, सदाभव, हमेश.


 eternally ​adv ​

Rhyming Words

all along, all the time, chronically, consistently, constantly, continually, day after day, diurnally, durably, e'er, endlessly, eternally, ever, ever and again, evermore, for all time, for eternity, for ever and a day, for ever and ever, for good, for good and all, for keeps, forever, forever after, forevermore, in aeternum, in all ages, in perpetuity, in perpetuum, in saecula saeculorum, incessantly, indefectibly, indefinitely, infinitely, interminably, lastingly, unchangingly, unfailingly, unlimitedly, until Doomsday, until the Day of Judgement, until the end of time, without end, without exception, year after year, minutely, now and forever, once and for all, permanently, perpetually, persistently, recurrently, recurringly, regularly, reoccurringly, repeatedly, repetitiously, repetitively, semper, sempre, thereafter, timelessly, to infinity, toujours, unceasingly.

'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.