सीधा [सीधी] वि
सीधी, सीधे.
वक्रता, घूम, मोड़, कोण या ऊँचनीच से रहित.
अकुंचित, अचक्रिल, अतिर्यग, अलहरिल, अवक्र, अवक्रित, अवक्रिल, अवलयित, अव्यंग, असर्पिल, ऐन, कोणहीन, दंडाकार, बेमोड़, मोड़हीन, वक्रहीन, वलयहीन, सरल, सरलित, सीधा [सीधी].
Similar Concepts
अनुक्षितिज, ऊँचा [ऊँची], ऊर्ध्वमुख, तीखे चढ़ान वाला, प्रतिक्षितिज, समतल, समांतर.
Opposite Concepts
अवनमित, आड़ा तिरछा [आड़ी तिरछी], कोणाकार, झुका [झुकी], तिरछा [तिरछी], मुड़ा [मुड़ी], मोड़दार, वक्राकार, सर्पिल, सीधा नहीं.
straight adj
free from curves, bends, angles, or irregularities.
aligned, direct, in a line, in a row, in line with, in the same direction, level, lineal, linear, not crooked, not curved, not winding, not zigzag, on a line, ortho, rectilineal, rectilinear, regular, right, straight, streamlined, unbent, uncurved, undeviating, unswerving.
Similar Concepts
even, high, horizontal, parallel, perpendicular, steep, upside up.
Opposite Concepts
angular, crisscross, curved, not straight, oblique, overturned, serpentine, slanting, slanting down, zigzag.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.