चयन सं
चुनने का कार्य.
अंतरण, आचय, इंतख़ाब, इंतिख़ाब, उच्चय, उपचयन, उपचिति, ग्रहण, चयन, चुनाई, चुनाव, निर्वाचन, निश्चयन, प्रवर, वर, वरण, विचय, वृति, संवरण.
Similar Concepts
रैंडम चयन, चयन कर्ता, चुगाई, छँटाई, छनाई, निर्वाचन, परिष्करण, पसंदगी, फटकाई, विकल्प, विलग्नन.
Opposite Concepts
अचयन, असमावेश, अस्वीकृति, परित्याग, रद्दीकरण.
Sample Phrases
"इस सब पुष्पगुच्छोँ मेँ से आप किसी एक का चयन कर लीजिए.".
selection n
the act of choosing or selecting.
alternative, choice, choosing, choosing by elimination, collection, electing, election, exercising judgement, making a choice, making a selection, making up one's mind, pick, picking, preference, preference from among choices, selecting, selection.
Similar Concepts
random selection, detaching, election, filtering, liking, option, picking, refining, selector, tossing on a winnowing basket.
Opposite Concepts
abandonment, discarding, exclusion, junking, not choosing, refusal.
Sample Phrases
“Make your selection from the list.”.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.