द्रुत चलना क्रि
आँधी की तरह चलना, उड़ना, क़दम बढ़ाना, कुलाँचना, गोली की तरह सनसनाना, चौकड़ी भरना, छलाँगना, तेज़ चलना, दनदनाना, दौड़ना, द्रुत चलना, धड़धड़ाना, धमधमाना, फर्राटे भरना, फर्राटे लेना, फुरना, भागना, रिपटना, लंबा डग भरना, लंबा पद भरना, लपकना, सनसनाना, सरपट चलना, सरसराना, सर्र से जाना, साँय साँय करना, हवा के कान कतरना, हवा से बातेँ करना, हवा होना.
Similar Concepts
उड़ना, गति बढ़ना, गति बढ़ाना, जौगिंग करना, दौड़ना, नौ दो ग्यारह होना, फड़कना, बड़े बड़े डग भरना.
Opposite Concepts
मंद गति से चलना, रेँगना, लँगड़ाना.
move fast v
be in a hurry, bestir oneself, blast, bolt, bounce, bound, break one's neck, bullet, canter, charge, clip, cover ground, crank, cut along, dart, dash, drive on, flee, flit, fly, fly away, forge ahead, gallop, gear up, go, go at a high speed, go at full blast, go fast, go like a shot, gun, hasten, hie, hop, hurl, hurry, hurry up, hustle, jump, leap, lunge, make haste, make short work of, make strides, make the best of one's time, make the dust fly, make time, move fast, move up, outpace, outstrip, pace, pack away, plunge, press on, push, push ahead, push on, put on more speed, put on steam, put on wheels, rage, ram, ride hard, rip, run, run like mad, run wide open, rush, scamper, scoot, scurry, scuttle, shoot, speed, speed up, spring, sprint, spurt, step lively, stride, sweep, swish, swoop, take wing, trot, varoom, wallop, whip away, whirl, whiz, wind, wing, wing one's way, zip, zoom.
Similar Concepts
accelerate, flutter, fly, jog, pick speed, run, scoot away, take long steps.
Opposite Concepts
creep, limp, move slowly.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.