भरमाना क्रि
भरमा, भरमाई, भरमाऊँ, भरमाऊँगा, भरमाऊँगी, भरमाए, भरमाएँगी, भरमाएंगी, भरमाएँगे, भरमाएंगे, भरमाएगा, भरमाएगी, भरमाओ, भरमाओगी, भरमाओगे, भरमाता, भरमाती, भरमाते, भरमाया.
अकबकाना, अचकचाना, अशांत करना, ग़लत बताना, घुमाना, चकराना, चक्कर खिलाना, चपराना, चलाना, दिग्भ्रमित करना, बिरमाना, भटकाना, भरमाना, भुलाना, भ्रमाना, भ्रमित करना, भ्रांत करना, मतिभ्रम करना, मतिभ्रमित करना, मुग्ध करना, लुभाना, संभ्रमित करना, सपने दिखाना, हिराना, हिलाना.
Similar Concepts
उलझाना, ग़लतफ़हमी पैदा करना, चकराना, चपराना, चौँकाना, छल करना, झेँपाना, फुसलाना, ब्रेनवाश करना, भटकाना, भ्रमित होना, मोहना, रहस्य न खोलना.
Opposite Concepts
आपत्ति निवारण करना, कूट पढ़ना, चेताना, समझाना, समाधान करना, सहजीकरण करना, सुलझाना, स्पष्ट करना.
perplex v
perplexed, perplexing, perplexs.
abash, addle, addle the wits, astonish, baffle, bamboozle, be a mystery or bewildering to, becloud, bedevil, befool, befuddle, bemuse, besot, bewilder, brattle, clutter, complicate, confound, confuse, daze, delude, derange, disarrange, disarray, discombobulate, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, disorient, distract, divert, embarrass, embrangle, entangle, entice, evade, faze, flummox, flurry, fluster, fog, frustrate, fuddle, garble, intricate, involve, jumble, kittle, lead astray, loop, make one's head swim, make uneasy, misdirect, misguide, mislead, mix up, muddle, mystify, obfuscate, obscure, outwit, overwhelm, perplex, put at a loss, puzzle, rattle, render uncertain, ruffle, snafu, snarl, stagger, startle, stick, stun, stupefy, tangle, tantalize, throw off, unhinge, unsettle, upset, vex, whelm, wilder, worry.
Similar Concepts
astonish, be perplexed, brainwash, cause to be chagrined, coax, create misunderstanding, deceive, entangle, fascinate, inveigle, keep a sceret, lead astray, startle.
Opposite Concepts
clarify, clarify an objection, decode, disentangle, explain, make alert, simplify, solve.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.