रूँधना क्रि
रूँध, रूँधता, रूँधती, रूँधते, रूँधा, रूँधिएगा, रूँधी, रूँधूँ, रूँधूँगा, रूँधूँगी, रूँधे, रूँधेँ, रूँधेँगी, रूँधेंगी, रूँधेँगे, रूँधेंगे, रूँधेगा, रूँधेगी, रूँधो, रूँधोगी, रूँधोगे.
गाँसना, छिद्र रुद्ध करना, छेद भरना, ठूँसना, थामना, बंद करना, भरना, रुद्ध करना, रूँझना, रूँधना, रोधना.
Similar Concepts
ढक्कन लगाना, पंक्चर लगाना, बाधा डालना, मूँदना, रोकना.
Opposite Concepts
खोलना, छेदना.
caulk v
caulked, caulking, caulks.
balk, bar, baulk, bilk, block, calk, caulk, chink, choke, choke up, clog, close, insulate, obstruct, obturate, occlude, parge, seal with caulking, shut, shut off, stem.
Similar Concepts
cause to shut, obstruct, put the lid on, seal puncture, stop.
Opposite Concepts
cause to open, perforate.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.