जाली वि
अखरा [अखरी], असाधु, कल्पित, कुटिल, कूट, कूटकृत, कृत्रिम, ख़राब, खोटा [खोटी], गढ़ा [गढ़ी], गढ़ित, जाली, झूठमूठ का, झूठा [झूठी], डमी, दिखावटी, नक़ली, निकम्मा [निकम्मी], निखद, बना [बनी], बनाया [बनाई], बनावटी, बोगस, मूल्यहीन.
Similar Concepts
अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण, अप्राकृतिक, अयथार्थ, अस्वाभाविक, तथाकथित, तथ्यांतरित, दिखावटी, पाखंडपूर्ण, बनावटी, मानवनिर्मित, मायावी, मिलावटी, रंगमंचीय, व्याज प्रशंसापूर्ण.
Opposite Concepts
उच्चमानक, खरा [खरी], प्राकृतिक, मौलिक, यथार्थ.
forged adj
art, artful, artificial, bastard, bogus, changed, concocted, constructed, contrived, copy, corrupt, corrupted, counterfeit, counterfeited, deceptive, dummy, duplicate, fabricated, fake, faked, fakey, fallacious, false, fictitious, forged, gold-filled, imitation, inauthentic, incorrect, loaded, made-up, make-believe, manufactured, meretricious, mixed, mock, not authentic, not genuine, not real, phoney, phony, poor, postiche, pseudo, queer, sham, shoddy, spurious, synthetic, tinsel, unauthentic, worthless.
Similar Concepts
adulterated, backhanded, distorted (facts), hypocritical, man-made, ostentatious, overstated, pertaining to Maya, pretended, so-called, stagy, uninstinctive, unnatural, unreal.
Opposite Concepts
genuine, high-grade, natural, original, real.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.