discreditable adj
bad, blamable, blameful, blameworthy, censurable, condemnable, contemptible, culpable, damnable, dastardly, delinquent, deplorable, despicable, disagreeable, discreditable, disgraceful, disparageable, ignoble, immoral, indictable, loathsome, reprehensible, reproachable, reprovable, scornable, shameful, undue, unpardonable.
Similar Concepts
abusive, act of insulting, degenerated, disgrace to the family, foolish, greedy, ignoble, insolent, low-grade, merciless, notorious, objectionable, obscene, punishable, refutable, ridiculous, shameful, shameless, unethical, unsupportable, vain, villainous.
Opposite Concepts
desirable, irreproachable, praiseworthy.
Sample Phrases
"He had been suspended from his job for discreditable behavior.".
निंदनीय वि
अपकीर्तिकर, अपकीर्तिप्रद, अपध्वंस्य, अपयशकर, अपराधपूर्ण, अयुक्त, अवगणनीय, आक्षेप्य, आलोचनीय, आलोच्य, उपहास्य, कलंकपूर्ण, गर्हणीय, गर्हापूर्ण, गर्ह्य, ग़लत, जघन्य, निंदनीय, निंदापात्र, निंदायोग्य, निंद्य, बुरा [बुरी], लज्जाजनक, लांछनीय, वर्जित, विदूषण, विनिंदनीय, सगर्हा, सनिंदा.
Similar Concepts
अधम, अनैतिक, अपमानजनक, अवमानक, अश्लीलतः, असमर्थनीय, अहंकारी, आपत्तिजनक, उपहास्य, कुलकलंक, खंडनीय, गालीगलौजपूर्ण, दंडनीय, दुराचारी, दुर्जनतापूर्ण, धृष्ट, निर्दय, निर्लज्ज, बदनाम, मूर्खतापूर्ण, लोभी, शर्मनाक.
Opposite Concepts
अनिंदनीय, प्रशंसनीय, वांछनीय.
Sample Phrases
"अपने निंदनीय कृत्य के कारण उसे सारी कक्षा मेँ अपमानित होना पड़ा.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.