हिंसा सं
अक्षमा, अत्याचार, अमानवीयता, आक्रमण, क्रूरता, घात, जीवहत्या, तशद्दुद, नृशंसता, प्राणातिपात (जैन), बलप्रयोग, मारकाट, मारण, यंत्रणा, रक्तपात, विहनन, विहिंसा, शक्तिप्रयोग, संघात, हत्या, हिंसा, हिंसाकर्म.
Similar Concepts
अत्याचार, अपराध, आखेट, क्रूरता, घात, जनसंहार, दयाहीनता, प्रतिशोध, प्रतिशोध भावना, फ़ौजदारी, बलप्रयोग, मांसाहारिता, मारण, मृत्युदंड, विद्रोह, हत्या, हिंस्रता.
Opposite Concepts
अहिंसा, करुणा, क्षमा.
violence n
physical attack of another person - activities that may legally involve violence include hunting, law enforcement, sports, and war - crime includes many illegal forms of violence, violence directed against living creatures.
atrocity, attack, barbarism, bestiality, bloodshed, brutality, cruelty, fighting, frenzy, inhumanity, killing, mercilessness, monstrosity, murder, murderousness, no mercy, offence, onslaught, persecution, rampage, savagery, slaughter, tyranny, use of force, violence.
Similar Concepts
ambush, capital punishment, crime, criminal offence, cruelty, ferociousness, hunting, killing, massacre, murder, nonvegetarianism, rebellion, revenge, revengefulness, tyranny, unkindliness, use of might.
Opposite Concepts
nonviolence, pardon, pity.
Sample Phrases
'Twenty people were killed in the violence.'.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.