भव्य वि
अज़ीमुश्शान, अनोखा [अनोखी], अलंकारी, असाधारण, आलीशान, आश्चर्यजनक, कौतुकपूर्ण, ग़ज़ब का, ग्रांडील, ग्रैंड, ग्लैमरस, चमकदार, चमचम, चमचमाता [चमचमाती], चमाचम, छटापूर्ण, जो़रदार, दिव्य, दैवी, धजापूर्ण, प्रभावशाली, प्रभावी, बड़ा [बड़ी], बृहत्, भव्य, भव्यदृश्यतापूर्ण, भव्यदृश्यपूर्ण, मायामय, मायावी, मोहक, रंगमंचीय, विराट, विलक्षण, विशाल, विस्मयजनक, वैभवशाली, शानदार, सजावटी, सम्मोहक, सुंदर, स्पैक्टेक्यूलर, हैरतअंगेज़.
Similar Concepts
अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण, आश्चर्यजनक, तड़कभड़कदार, दर्शनीय, दिखावटी, नवधनाढ्य, फ़ैशनानुकूल, महल जैसा, मोहक, रंगमंचीय, राजसी, वैभवशाली, शब्दाडंबरपूर्ण, शोभनीय, सजावटी, सितारेदार, सुंदर.
Opposite Concepts
वैभवहीन, साधारण.
spectacular adj
affecting, aglitter, amazing, arresting, asparkle, astonishing, awesome, beautiful, big, breathtaking, captivating, celestial, classy, colossal, conjuring, dazzling, decorative, decorous, distracting, elaborate, embellished, exaggerated, exhibitory, extraordinary, extravagant, fabulous, fancy, fantastic, flamboyant, gala, gee-whiz, glamorized, glamorous, glitzy, glorious, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, imperial, imposing, impressive, kick-ass, large, lavish, luxurious, magnific, magnificent, majestic, marvellous, mighty, miraculous, monumental, opulent, ornamental, ornate, overwhelming, overwrought, panoramic, phenomenal, pretentious, pretty, ravishing, resplendent, rich, riveting, sensational, slap-up, spectacular, splendent, splendid, splendiferous, splendorous, staggering, startling, striking, stunning, stupendous, sumptuous, superlative, swank, swanky, taking, thrilling, tremendous, vaulting, viewy, walloping, whelming, wondrous.
Similar Concepts
astonishing, beautiful, befitting, decorative, fascinating, fashionable, glitzy, grand, grandiloquent, neorich, ostentatious, overstated, palatial, regal, sequined, stagy, worth seeing.
Opposite Concepts
glamorless, ordinary.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.