उभरना क्रि
उभर, उभरा, उभरिएगा, उभरी, उभरूँ, उभरूँगा, उभरूँगी, उभरे, उभरेँ, उभरेँगी, उभरेंगी, उभरेँगे, उभरेंगे, उभरो, उभरोगी, उभरोगे.
आगे निकलना, उठना, उपटना, उपड़ना, उबहना, उभरना, ऊपर को उठना, ऊपर निकलना, निकल आना, निकलना, प्रोद्गत होना, फटना, फट निकलना, फूलना, बढ़ आना, बढ़ना, बाहर निकलना, सूजना.
Similar Concepts
उच्च होना, उपटना, गूम़ड़ होना, फूलना, फोड़े आदि निकलना, सूजना.
Opposite Concepts
अंतर्धान होना, दबकना, पिचकना.
protrude v
protruded, protrudes, protruding.
abut, arise, become convex, bulge, bulge out, butt, come out, come through, crop out, distend, dome, exceed, exsert, extrude, grow, increase, jut, jut out, obtrude, point, pop out, project, protrude, rise, shoot up, stand out, start up, stick out, stick up, swell, top.
Similar Concepts
ascend, be inflated, break into a rash, erupt (as hives), intumesce, swell.
Opposite Concepts
be dented, disappear, implode.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.