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The nearest match "Nothing indeed could have happened so very inopportune as this accident." in the Index is being displayed.
अवसरप्रतिकूल वि
अवसर या काल के अनुपयुक्त या विपरीत.
अकाल, अकाल्य, अनभीष्ट, अनर्गल, अनवसर का, अनुचित, अनुपयुक्त, अप्रासंगिक, अयुक्त, अवसरप्रतिकूल, अवसरहीन, अवांछनीय, अवांछित, असंगत, असंबद्ध, असमीचीन, असामयिक, ग़लत, ग़ैरमुनासिब, नामाकूल, नामुनासिब, नावाजिब, प्रतिकूल, बेजा, बेठीक, बेतुका [बेतुकी], बेमौक़ा, विसंगत.
Similar Concepts
अप्रासंगिक, अवांछनीय, असंगत, असटीक, सामंजस्यहीन.
Opposite Concepts
अवसरानुकूल, प्रासंगिक, यथासमय, वांछनीय.
inopportune adj
unsuitable or happening at a disadvantageous time for a purpose.
awkward, badly timed, disadvantageous, embarrassing, gratuitous, ill-advised, ill-timed, improper, imprudent, inappropriate, inappropriate or badly timed, inapt, indiscreet, inept, inexpedient, inharmonious, injudicious, inopportune, luckless, maladapted, maladroit, malapropos, misplaced, not opportune, odd, out of place, unbecoming, unbefitting, uncalled-for, undue, unfit, unjust, unmeet, unseasonable, unseemly, unsuitable, untimely, untoward, unwarranted, wrong.
Similar Concepts
imprecise, incompatible, irrelevant, uncoordinated, undesirable.
Opposite Concepts
desirable, opportune, relevant, timely.
Sample Phrases
Nothing indeed could have happened so very inopportune as this accident..
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.