चाटुकारिता सं
किसी को प्रसन्न और अनुकूल रखने के लिए झूठी प्रशंसा करने की वृत्ति.
उल्लाप, क़सीदाख़्वानी, ख़ुशामद, ख़ुशामदीपन, चटुकारिता, चमचागीरी, चर्चरिका, चाटुकारिता, चाटुकारी, चापलूसी, चिरौरी, जीहुज़ूरी, झूठी प्रशंसा, ठकुरसुहाती, तेल लगाई, दरबारदारी, दिखावे की प्रशंसा, नाकरगड़ाई, प्रशंसा गान, प्रशंसा गायन, बनावट, बातफ़रोशी, भटई, भाँड़गीरी, भाटपन, मक्खन लगाई, मिथ्योपचार, मुसाहबत, मुसाहिबत, मृषावाद, लल्लो चप्पो, लल्लो पत्तो, विकत्थन, सई सिफ़ारिश, समलगी, स्निग्धभाषण, हाज़िरबाशी, हुज़ूरी.
Similar Concepts
गिड़गिड़ाहट, चुग़ली, ताबेदारी, पिछलग्गूपन, प्रशंसा, मनुहार, सम्मान, सम्मानन, स्वार्थीपन.
Opposite Concepts
flattery n
excessive or insincere praise.
abjectness, apple polishing, blandishment, blarney, bootlicking, brown-nosing, cajolery, courtliness, crawling, cringing, drumbeating, ego massage, extolment, eyewash, fawning, flattery, flummery, flunkyism, gloze (ingratiating or fawning language), gratification, insincere commendation, kowtowing, malarky, obsequiousness, oiliness, puffery, smarminess, sycophancy, taffy, timeserving, toadying, unctuosity, wheedling.
Similar Concepts
act of groveling, backbiter's tale, hanging on, honour, honouring, mollification, praise, selfishness, servility.
Opposite Concepts
soft speech.
Sample Phrases
"Everyone likes flattery; and when you come to Royalty you should lay it on with a trowel." [Benjamin Disraeli].
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.