आपदा सं
गहरा संकट उपस्थित करने वाली घटना.
अनहोनी, अनिष्ट, अरिष्ट, आघात, आधि, आपत्ति, आपद, आपदा, आफ़त, उपपात, कठिनाई, कमबख़्ती, क़हर, झटका, तबाही, दुर्दशा, दुर्भाग्य, बदनसीबी, बरबादी, बाधा, भारी मुसीबत, मुसीबत, वज्रपात, विघ्न, विध्वंस, विपत्ति, विपद, विपदा, विपन्, विप्लव, व्याघात, समस्या.
Similar Concepts
ईश्वरीय आपदा, आपात्काल, दुर्घटना, विद्युतपात, संकट.
calamity n
a disaster or misfortune causing extreme havoc distress or misery.
adversity, affliction, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, difficulty, disaster, distress, doo-doo, downfall, fliction, hardship, havoc, infliction, misadventure, mischance, misery, misfortune, mishap, plight, scourge, tragedy, trial, tribulation, vicissitude, visitation, woe, wretchedness.
Similar Concepts
act of God, accident, bolt of lightening, crisis, emergency.
Sample Phrases
"The tsunami in Japan wrough great calamity to Japan by almost destroying some atomic energy plants.", "This course of action could only end in calamity.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.