प्रहार करना क्रि
आघात करना, उड़ाना, कूटना, घालना, चोट करना, जमाना, ठोँकना, ताड़ना, धमकना, धुनना, पीटना, प्रहार करना, फटकारना, मारना, रखना, लगाना, लड़ना, हनना.
Similar Concepts
आक्रमण करना, काट खाना, चोट करना, ठोकर मारना, तमाचा लगाना, पीटना, मारना, मुक्के मारना, लड़ना, हाथापाई करना.
Opposite Concepts
निवारना, प्रतिरोध करना, प्रतिरोध न करना.
assail v
assail, assault, bang, bang up, bash, blast, blow, bruise, buffet, crack down, dint, drub, dub, hit, hurt, impact, inflict, jab, kick, knock, konk, lash out at, launch an assault, lay on, lunge, make an assault, pelt, pound, prang, punch, push, ravage, shock, shoot, shove, slam, slap, slat, slug, smack, smash, spank, strike, swat, swing, swipe, tag, thump, thwack, wallop, whack, wham.
Similar Concepts
bite, come to scuffles, fight, give a kick, hit with a slap, injure, kill, mount an attack, sock, thrash.
Opposite Concepts
avert, not resist, resist.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.