bail bond n
a document in which one or more sureties guarantee that the prisoner will attend the court hearing of the charges against him if he is released on bail.
bail, bail bond, bailment, bond, bonding, collateral, guaranty, obligation, security, surety.
Similar Concepts
acquittal, guaranty, release, surety for mortgage.
Opposite Concepts
act of arresting.
Sample Phrases
"The judge set bail at Rs. 10,000.".
ज़मानत सं
वह ज़िम्मेदारी जो कोई मनुष्य किसी अपराधी के ठीक समय पर न्यायालय में उपस्थित होने या इसी प्रकार के किसी और काम के लिए अपने ऊपर ले.
अर्पणप्रतिभू, ओल्ल, कफालत, ज़मानत, ज़िम्मेदारी, दायित्व, प्रतिभूति, बेल, मुचलका.
Similar Concepts
अपराध मुक्ति, गारंटी, बंधक दायित्व, मुक्ति.
Opposite Concepts
Sample Phrases
"वह दस हज़ार रुपए की ज़मानत पर छूटा है.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.