chagrin n
a feeling of mental unease as of annoyance or embarrassment caused by disappointment or a disconcerting event.
abashment, ashamedness, awkwardness, awkward situation, blush, chagrin, confusion, discomfiture, discomfort, discomposure, embarrassedness, embarrassment, fix, flush, flusteredness, grin, humiliation, mortification, perplexity, plight, predicament, quandary, self-consciousness, shame.
Similar Concepts
public embarrassment, abashment, diffidence, hesitation, perplexity, regret.
Opposite Concepts
absence of diffidence, shamelessness.
झेँप सं
किसी अप्रत्याशित घटना या निराशा से (जैसे किसी बड़बोलेपन के असत्य सिद्ध होने पर) मन मेँ उपजा संकोच.
ख़िज्लत, झेँप, दुबिधा, दुबिधाग्रस्तता, भ्रम, भ्रांति, लज्जितता, लाज, शरमिंदगी, शर्म, शर्मिरी, संकट, संकोच, सकपकाहट, हया, हैरानी.
Similar Concepts
खेद, फ़ज़ीहत, भ्रम, लज्जा, संकोच, हिचक.
Opposite Concepts
असंकोच, निर्लज्जता.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.