खेद सं
किसी कृत्य या निराशा के परणाम स्वरूप मन मेँ उपजा दुःख.
अंदोह, अनख, अनी, अनुताप, अनुशोक, अनुशोच, अन्वाधि, अफ़सोस, कलक, क़लक, कायली, कोफ़्त, क्लेद, क्षेद, खेद, खेदन, ग़म, ग्लानि, दुःख, निर्वेद, पछतावा, पश्चात्ताप, मलाल, मलोल, मलोला, मसोस, मसोसन, रंज, विहेठन, शरमिंदगी, शोक, शोच, श्रांति, सोच, हैफ़.
Similar Concepts
असफलता, उच्छ्वास, खेद प्रकाशन, झेँप, दिखावटी आँसू, दुःख, पश्चात्ताप, प्रायश्चित्त, भूल, लज्जा.
Opposite Concepts
आनंद, तृप्ति, सफलता.
regret n
sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment.
anguish, apologies, apology, attrition, bad conscience, bewailing, compunction, contrition, disappointment, discomfort, distress, embarrassment, grief, lamentation, mortification, pang, pangs of remorse, penitence, pricking, qualm, regret, regretfulness, remorse, repentance, ruth, sadness, self-reproach, sorriness, sorrow, stings of conscience, twinge, uneasiness, unhappiness, woe.
Similar Concepts
abashment, apology, chagrin, crocodile tears, distress, failure, oversight, penitence, repentance, sigh.
Opposite Concepts
delight, satisfaction, success.
Sample Phrases
" He expressed great regret.", "He wrote a note expressing his regret.", dejection.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.