प्रथा सं
प्रथाएँ, प्रथाओँ, प्रथाओं.
कस्टम, चर्या, चलन, चार, चाल, तौरतरीक़ा, दस्तूर, नेग, पद्धति, परिपाटी, पुराना चलन, पुरानी रिवायत, प्रचलन, प्रणाली, प्रथा, प्रैक्टिस, मामूल, रविश, रस्म, रस्मो रिवाज़, रास्ता, राह, रित, रिवाज़, रिवायत, रीत, रीति, रीतिरिवाज़, रूढ़ि, लीक, लोकरीति, लोकरूढ़ि, लोकलीक, लोकवृत्त, लोक व्यवहार, विधान, संविधि, संस्कार, सोशल कस्टम.
Similar Concepts
कुप्रथा, अविहित क़ानून, उत्सव, कर्मकांड, कैसे, धर्मानुष्ठान, परंपरा, परदानशीनी, प्रचलन, रूटीन, संस्कार, संस्कृति.
custom n
the long-established habits or traditions of a society collectively.
accepted or habitual practice, ceremony, convenance, convention, currency, custom, dictates of society, drill, established way of doing things, familiar way, folkways, form, formality, immemorial usage, manner, method, mode, mores, norm, observance, practice, precedent, prevalence, procedure, rite, ritual, rule, social usage, way, wont.
Similar Concepts
bad custom, culture, festival, how, nonstatutory law, prevalence, purdah, religious ceremony, ritual, routine, sacrament, tradition.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.