अहितकारी वि
अकल्याणकर, अकल्याणकारी, अकल्याणात्मक, अनर्थकर, अनर्थकारी, अनिष्ट, अनिष्टकर, अनिष्टकारी, अपकर्षकारी, अपकारपूर्ण, अपकारी, अभद्र, अमंगल, अमंगलकारी, अशुभ, अशुभकर, अहितकर, अहितकारी, कु-, ख़राब, खल, दुष्ट, दोषकारी, नुक़सानदेह, बद, बुरा [बुरी], मनहूस, विपरीत, स्याह, हानिकर, हानिकारक, हानिकारी, हानिकृत, हानिपूर्ण, हानिप्रद.
Similar Concepts
अपशकुनपूर्ण, अशुभाकांक्षी, अस्वस्थकर (जलवायु), आहतिकारक, जोखिमपूर्ण, डंकदार, दुर्भाग्यप्रद, नाशकारी, शुभ शकुनपूर्ण, हानिप्रद.
Opposite Concepts
अहानिकारक, आशीर्वादात्मक, उपयोगी, कल्याणकारी, सफलताप्रद, समाज भावी, सौमनस्यपूर्ण, हितप्रद.
harmful adj
adverse, afflicting, afflictive, bad, baleful, baneful, dangerous, dark, darksome, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, direful, disadvantageous, doing harm, evil, evil-minded, flictive, fraught with evil, harmful, harming, hostile, hurtful, ill, ill-boding, injurious, luckless, malefic, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nonconducive, offensive, ominous, perverse, portentous, prejudicial, sinister, spleenful, unfavourable, unfortunate, unhealthy, unlucky, unpropitious, unwholesome, vicious, wicked, wrong.
Similar Concepts
destructive, disserving, fanged, ill-omened, ill-willed, ill-wishing, injurious, insalubrious (climate), lossmaking, risky, unlucky.
Opposite Concepts
benedictory, beneficent, beneficial, benign, congenial, harmless, success-giving, useful.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.