bankrupt adj
bankrupt, beaten, beggared, broke, broken, brought to want, busted, defaulter, defaulting, deprived, destitute, empoverished, empty-handed, flat, gone to the wall, impecunious, in a hole, in chapter XI, indebted, in default, in penury, in receivership, in reduced circumstances, insolvent, in the hands of receivers, in the red, into the red, in want, left in penury, licked, moneyless, on the rocks, out of business, out of credit, out of funds, out of money, pauperized, ravaged, red, reduced, ruined, sent to the cleaners, shattered, unfortunate, up the spout, wiped-out.
Similar Concepts
defaulter, indebted, poor, the exploited, unsuccessful.
Opposite Concepts
creditworthy, profited, rich.
दिवालिया वि
अकिंचन, कंगाल, क़र्ज़ बोझ से दबा, ख़लास, टूटा [टूटी], दामासाह, दिवालिया, दीवालिया, देनदार, धनहीन, नष्ट, निर्धन, निर्धनित, निर्धनीकृत, निर्धनीभूत, परिक्षीण, बैंक्रप्ट, भुगतान अक्षम, मिटा [मिटी], रंक, विनष्ट, समाप्त, साठनाठ, साधनहीन, हतश्री, हतसंपद, हीनकोश.
Similar Concepts
असफल, ऋणग्रस्त, निर्धन, बाक़ीदार, शोषित जन.
Opposite Concepts
ऋणयोग्य, लाभान्वित, समृद्ध.
Hindi (Roman Script)
akinchana, baenkrapTa, bhugatAnaakshama, denadAra, dhanahIna, dIvAliyA, divAliyA, dAmAsAha, hInakosha, hatashrI, hatasampada, kh.alAsa, kangAla, k.arzabojhasedabA, miTA[miTI], nirdhana, nirdhanIbhUta, nirdhanIkrita, nirdhanita, nashTa, parikshINa, ranka, sAdhanahIna, samApta, sATHanATHa, TUTA[TUTI], vinashTa.
Similar Concepts
bAk.IdAra, nirdhana, riNagrasta, shoshitajana, asaphala.
Opposite Concepts
lAbhAnvita, riNayogya, samriddha.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.