property n
something owned - a possession.
assets, belonging, belongings, commodities, earthly possessions, effects, estancia, estate, holdings, interest, means, possessions, property, resource, resources, stock, stocks, substance, territory, vested interests, wealth.
Similar Concepts
ancestral wealth, assets, belongings, building plot, earned wealth, endowment, fund, goodwill, income, inheritance, inheriting, jewellery, jewelry, landed property, means, money, monopoly, ownership, principal amount, profit, prosperity, resources, shareholder, total funds, war booty.
Opposite Concepts
destitution, poverty.
संपत्ति सं
संपत्तियाँ, संपत्तियोँ, संपत्तियों.
आस्ति, इमलाक, ऋक्थ, ऐश्वर्य, केत, गुहिल, ज़मीनजायदाद, ज़रज़मीन, जायदाद, दौलत, धन दौलत, प्रौपर्टी, माल, मालटाल, मालमता, मालमत्ता, मालो मिल्कीयत, मिलकियत, मिलकीयत, योत्र, श्री, संपत्ति, संपद, संपदा, संपन्नता, संभार, संविद, संवृद्धि, संसाधन, साज़सामान, साति, साधन, सार, सेवधि, स्वत्व, हैसियत.
Similar Concepts
आभूषण, आय, आवास भूखंड, आस्तियाँ, उत्तराधिकार, उत्तराधिकारागति, एकाधिकार, कुल निधि, धन, निधि, भूसंपत्ति, मालमता, मूलधन, युद्धधन, रिक्थ, लाभ, शेयरधारी, संसाधन, समृद्धि, साख, साधन, स्वामित्व.
Opposite Concepts
कंगाली, निर्धनता.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.