Hindi (Roman Script)
amukakAlamen, antarimakAlamen, antarAlakAlamen, antarAlamen, ashAshvatatah, asthAyIrUpase, asthAyitah, avadhimen, bIcha, bIchamen, daurAna, isabIcha, isadauramen, isadaurAna, isakAlamen, isaavadhimen, itanemen, kAlamen, madhyamen, ph.ilahAla, paryanta, tabalaun, tabataka.
Similar Concepts
jabataka, kuchhaderakelie, antarima, pahale, paryanta.
Opposite Concepts
asamakAlamen, samakAlamen.
meanwhile adv
during the intervening time.
ad interim, betweentimes, between whiles, during, during the interval, for a while, for the moment, for the time being, in between, in the interim, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, meanwhile, the while, til, till, until, until then.
Similar Concepts
before, during, for a short time, interim, until.
Opposite Concepts
at a different time, at the same time.
Sample Phrases
"Meanwhile I will not think about the problem.".
इस बीच क्रिवि
अंतराल काल मेँ, अंतराल मेँ, अंतरिम काल मेँ, अमुक काल मेँ, अवधि मेँ, अशाश्वततः, अस्थायितः, अस्थायी रूप से, इतने मेँ, इस अवधि मेँ, इस काल मेँ, इस दौर मेँ, इस दौरान, इस बीच, काल मेँ, तब तक, तब लौँ, दौरान, पर्यंत, फ़िलहाल, बीच, बीच मेँ, मध्य मेँ.
Similar Concepts
अंतरिम, कुछ देर के लिए, जब तक, पर्यंत, पहले.
Opposite Concepts
असम काल मेँ, समकाल मेँ.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.