pliable adj
adaptable, bendable, bending readily, ceroplastic, compliant, doughy, drawable, ductile, elastic, expansible, expansile, extendible, extensible, extensile, fictile, flexible, flexile, forgeable, formable, gentle, impressible, inclinable, like wax, limber, malleable, manipulatable, mouldable, plastic, pliable, pliant, protractile, resilient, rubberlike, rubbery, shapable, soft, springy, stretchable, supple, tensile, tractile, unctuous, yielding.
Similar Concepts
acclimatizable, cushiony, elastic, soft.
Opposite Concepts
craggy, hard, sharp, strong, unpliable.
नम्य वि
आकार्य, आघातवर्ध्य, कोमल, खिँचनशील, गढ़नीय, घटनीय, घट्य, ढलनशील, ढलनीय, नमनीय, नम्य, नरम, नाम्य, नावनीत, प्रसार्य, प्लास्टिक, मुड़नशील, मुलायम, मूमय, मृण्मय, मृदु, मृदुल, मोमिया, रूप्य, लचकदार, लचीला [लचीली], लेप्य, लोचदार, वर्ध्य, विनम्य, विलेप्य, विसार्य, वृज्य, सँचनीय, संभार्य, सुकुमार, सुघट्य, सुनम्य, सौकुमार्य, सौम्य, स्त्यान, स्निग्ध.
Similar Concepts
अनुकूलनशील, कोमल, गदीला [गदीली], लचकदार.
Opposite Concepts
अनम्य, कठोर, तीक्ष्ण, पथरीला [पथरीली], सुदृढ़.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.