Hindi (Roman Script)
badaulata, bahAne, barAya, hetutah, isakAraNa, kAraNa, kAraNabhUtatah, kAraNase, kAraNatah, kAraNavasha, lie, lAne, mAre, nimitta, nimittena, nimittase, nAte, sababase, sahetu, sakAraNa, vAste.
Similar Concepts
kyon, kisIbhIkAraNase, kAraNakAryatah, kyonki, lie, anusAratah, prayojanase, upalakshyamen.
Opposite Concepts
kAraNahInatah, pariNAmasvarUpa, pariNAmatahprApta.
because of adv
as a result of, as things go, attributable to, because, because of, being as, being as how, by dint of, by reason of, by the agency of, by virtue of, causal, causally, causatively, causefully, due to, for the reason that, forwhy, from, in, in behalf of, in consequence of, instrumentally, in that, in the interest of, in the name of, in view of, on account of, on the grounds that, out of, owing to, resulting from, since.
Similar Concepts
why, accordingly, because, correlatedly, for, for any reason, for the cause of, purposefully.
Opposite Concepts
consequent, consequently, without cause.
कारणतः क्रिवि
इस कारण, कारण, कारणतः, कारणभूततः, कारणवश, कारण से, नाते, निमित्त, निमित्त से, निमित्तेन, बदौलत, बराय, बहाने, मारे, लाने, लिए, वास्ते, सकारण, सबब से, सहेतु, हेतुतः.
Similar Concepts
क्योँ, अनुसारतः, उपलक्ष्य मेँ, कारण कार्यतः, किसी भी कारण से, क्योँकि, प्रयोजन से, लिए.
Opposite Concepts
कारणहीनतः, परिणामतः प्राप्त, परिणामस्वरूप.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.