then adv
at that, at that point, at that time, cosequently, in that case or as a consequence, so, then, thereupon.
Similar Concepts
just then, nevertheless, afterward, behind time, nevertheless, post-, so that, when.
Opposite Concepts
if, now.
Sample Phrases
"if he didn't take it, then who did?", "then he left"
"go left first, then right"
"first came lightning, then thunder"
"we watched the late movie and then went to bed"
"and so home and to bed".
तब क्रिवि
इस पर, उपरांत, उस पर, तदा, तद्काल, तब, तिस पर, तो, तौ, पश्चात, पीछे, फलतः, फलानुसार, फिर, बाद मेँ.
Similar Concepts
तब भी, तभी, -उपरांत, कब, तद्यपि, ताकि, बाद मेँ, समय के बाद.
Opposite Concepts
अब, यदि.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.