uninteresting adj
arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement, balhs, bland, bookish, boring, characterless, cheerless, colourless, common, commonplace, cumbersome, cumbrous, depressing, difficult, disagreeable, disconsolate, disinteresting, dislikable, dislikeable, disliked, dismal, distasteful, drab, dreary, dree, dry, dull, flat, full of cliches, hackneyed, heavy, in one key, insipid, joyless, known, laborious, lacking variety, lifeless, mirthless, monotonous, not exciting, not gripping, off-putting, ordinary, pedestrian, prosaic, routine, sapless, seamy, shoddy, singsong, slow, snuffy, soporific, stale, stereotyped, stock, stodgy, stuffy, stupid, tame, tasteless, tedious, timeworn, tiresome, tough, trite, unappealing, unappetizing, unarousing, unarresting, unattractive, undescript, unentertaining, uneventful, unexciting, uniform, unimpressive, uninspiring, uninteresting, unpalatable, unpleasant, unpleasing, unpleasurable, unprovocative, vapid, weak, wearing, wearisome, wishy-washy.
Similar Concepts
alliteration, boring, disliked, ill-tasting, inartistic, in bad taste, involved (language), not worth reading, not worth viewing, prosaic, unentertaining, unevocative, unimpressive, unpopular.
Opposite Concepts
convenient, entertaining, fascinating, interesting, likable, nontechnical, tempting.
Sample Phrases
"an unexciting novel", "a very uninteresting account of her trip".
अरोचक वि
अजीवंत, अनाकर्षक, अप्रिय, अप्रियकर, अमनोज्ञ, अमनोरंजक, अरमण, अरम्य, अरुचिकर, अरुचिकारी, अरुचिपूर्ण, अरोचक, अविविध, आकर्षणहीन, आनंदहीन, उतारचढ़ावहीन, उबाऊ, ऊबाऊ, कुरोचक, कुस्वाद, क्लिष्ट, घटिया, घिसा पिटा [घिसी पिटी], नागवार, नापसंद, निकृष्ट, नीरस, फीका [फीकी], बदमज़ा, बुरा [बुरी], बुसा [बुसी], बेमज़ा, बेरंग, बेलुत्फ़, बेस्वाद, बोझिल, बोर, बोरिंग, भारी, मनोरंजनहीन, मरियल, रंगहीन, रद्दी, रसहीन, रुक्ष, रुचिहीन, रूखा [रूखी], रोचकताहीन, विरस, शुष्क, सपाट, समरस, सस्ता [सस्ती], सूखा [सूखी], स्वादहीन.
Similar Concepts
अदर्शनीय, अनुप्रास, अपठनीय, अभावोत्पादक, अमनोरंजक, अलोकप्रिय, उबाऊ, कलाहीन, कुरुचिपूर्ण, कुस्वादिष्ट, क्लिष्ट (भाषा), गद्यात्मक, नापसंद, प्रभावहीन.
Opposite Concepts
अतकनीकी, अप्रबल, मनोरंजक, मोहक, रुचिकर, रोचक, लोभप्रद, सुविधाजनक.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.