worry n
feeling of anxiety.
agitation, alarm, angst (anxiety or apprehension accompanied by depression), anxiety, apprehension, botheration, butterflies, care, concern, consternation, desperation, discomfort, discomposure, disquiet, distress, dread, fear, hand-wringing, inquietude, insecurity, lack of certainty, lack of confidence, misgiving, perplexity, reck, restlessness, solicitude, stress, suspense, tailspin (loss of emotional control), tension, unease, unrest, vexation, woe, worry.
Similar Concepts
anxiety, anxiousness, apprehension, danger, dilemma, fear, hesitation, high blood pressure, indecision, pounding of heart, problem, risk, terror, thrill.
Opposite Concepts
calmness, hope, merriness, worrylessness.
Sample Phrases
"His worry over the prospect of being fired.", "It is not work but worry that kills.".
चिंता सं
चिंताएँ, चिंताओँ, चिंताओं.
किसी प्राप्त दुःख या दुःख की आशंका आदि से उत्पन्न भावना.
अंतर्वेग, अंदेशा, अनिश्चय, अभिशंका, अशांति, आंतरिक अशांति, आशंका, उत्कंठा, उत्ताप, उलझन, खटका, खलबल, खलबलाहट, खलबली, ग़म, घबराहट, चलचित्तता, चिंत, चिंता, डर, तनाव, तरद्दुद, तलाबेली, तलामली, दुश्चिंता, परवाह, परेशानी, फ़िक्र, भय, मानसिक अशांति, शंका, शोच, समुत्कंठा, सोच, हृदय क्षोभ, हृदय लेख, हृल्लेख.
Similar Concepts
अनिश्चय, आतंक, आशंका, उच्च रुधिरचाप, ख़तरा, चिंतानुभूति, चिंतितता, जोखिम, दुबिधा, धुकधुकी, भय, रोमांच, संकट, समस्या, हिचक.
Opposite Concepts
अलमस्ती, आशा, निश्चिंतता, प्रशांतता.
Sample Phrases
"कहा है- चिंता चिता समान.", "मुझे दिन रात इसी की चिंता लगी रहती है.".
Hindi (Roman Script)
chintAen, chintAom, chintAon.
abhishankA, andeshA, anishchaya, AntarikaashAnti, antarvega, AshankA, ashAnti, bhaya, chintA, chinta, chalachittatA, Dara, dushchintA, ghabarAhaTa, g.ama, hridayakshobha, hridayalekha, hrillekha, khalabala, khalabalAhaTa, khalabalI, khaTakA, mAnasikaashAnti, ph.ikra, pareshAnI, paravAha, shankA, shocha, samutkanTHA, socha, talAbelI, talAmalI, tanAva, taradduda, ulajhana, utkanTHA, uttApa.
Similar Concepts
bhaya, chintitatA, chintAnubhUti, dhukadhukI, dubidhA, hichaka, jokhima, kh.atarA, anishchaya, romAncha, AshankA, samasyA, sankaTa, Atanka, uchcharudhirachApa.
Opposite Concepts
alamastI, nishchintatA, prashAntatA, AshA.
Sample Phrases
"kahAhae-chintAchitAsamAna.", "mujhedinarAtaisIkIchintAlagIrahatIhae.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.