excite v
excited, excites, exciting.
give one a turn.
agitate, animate, arouse, arouse emotionally, bestir, charge, convulse, disquiet, disturb, drive, egg on, elate, evoke, exacerbate, excite, fluster, foment, galvanize, goad, hot up, impassion, inflame, instigate, irritate, key up, kindle, move, provoke, rattle, rouse, ruffle, shake, shake up, stir, stir up, tantalize, tease, thrill, whip up, work up.
Similar Concepts
cause thrill, embolden, infuriate, instigate, stir fire, vex, vibrate.
Opposite Concepts
appease, console, end enmity, pacify.
उत्तेजित करना क्रि
आंदोलित करना, उकसाना, उत्तेजित करना, उद्वेलित करना, गरम करना, गरमाना, चमकाना, चलाना, चिनकाना, झकझोरना, तड़काना, बिदकाना, भड़काना, लहकाना, लहकारना, सनकाना, हड़काना, हिलाना.
Similar Concepts
उकसाना, क्रुद्ध करना, खिजाना, धधकाना, फड़काना, रोमांचित करना, साहस बढ़ाना.
Opposite Concepts
तुष्ट करना, बहलाना, शत्रुता मिटाना, शांत करना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.