bossy adj
offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power.
aggressive, aggressively self-assured, assertive, authoritarian, authoritative, autocratic, bold, bossy, commanding, despotic, dictatorial, directorial, dominant, dominating, dominative, domineering, harsh, high-handed, imperative, imperious, imposing, injunctive, lordly, magisterial, magistral, managerial, mandatory, officious, oppressive, overbearing, peremptory, powerful, pushing, regal, repressive, royal, rude, self-willed, severe, stifling, strong-willed.
Similar Concepts
coercive, commanded, diffident, harsh (in behavior), imperative, imperialistic, insistent, overbearing (person), tyrannical.
Opposite Concepts
coerced, docile, humble, supplicatory.
Sample Phrases
"an autocratic person"
"autocratic behavior"
"a bossy way of ordering others around"
"a rather aggressive and dominating character"
"managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way"
"a swaggering peremptory manner".
आज्ञापकतापूर्ण वि
अधिकारपूर्ण, अधिकारशाली, अवश्यकरणीय, आज्ञापकतापूर्ण, आदेशात्मक, कठोर, कड़ा [कड़ी], चौधराहटपूर्ण, चौधराहट भरा, ज़बरदस्त, ज़ोरदार, दमनकारी, धौँसपूर्ण, प्रचंड, प्रबल, प्रभावशाली, प्रभुताशाली, मनमानीपूर्ण, राजसी, रोबदार, शासकीय, शाही, सवाया [सवाई], हेकड़ीपूर्ण.
Similar Concepts
अत्याचारपूर्ण, आग्रहपूर्ण, आज्ञात्मक, आज्ञापित, कठोर (व्यवहारी), तानाशाहाना, विवशकारी, संकोची, साम्राज्यात्मक, हेकड़ीबाज़.
Opposite Concepts
दब्बू, निवेदनपूर्ण, विनम्र, विवश.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.