Hindi (Roman Script)
AnA, Ankhapad.anA, dhyAnaAkarshitahonA, dhyAnaAkarshitakaranA, dikhAIdenA, dikhAIdenelaganA, dikhanA, drishyabhUtahonA, darasanA, nikalanA, namUdArahonA, nazaramenAnA, nazaraAnA, nazarapad.anA, prakaTahonA, prakaTanA, rUpadikhAnA, sAmaneAnA, spashTahonA, sujhAIdenA, ubharanA, ubaranA, uditahonA, uganA, upasthitahonA, uTHanA, vikasanA, vyaktahonA.
Similar Concepts
bAtakhulanA, dikhAIdenA, sAkArabananA.
Opposite Concepts
chhadmaveshadharanA, chhipanA, antardhAnahonA.
become visible v
appear, arise, become plain, become visible, be manifest, be viewed, bob up, break, burst forth, catch the eye, come, come forth, come forward, come into sight, come into view, come to notice, come to sight, come to view, crop up, dawn, emanate, emerge, espy, expose itself, figure, figure in, grow, have the appearance, heave in sight, loom, loom up, make an appearance, make the scene, manifest, manifest itself, materialize, meet the eye, peep out, pop up, present oneself, rise, show itself, show up, spring up, surface, turn up.
Similar Concepts
be visible, come to light, take a shape.
Opposite Concepts
assume guise, disappear, go into hiding.
दिखाई देने लगना क्रि
आँख पड़ना, आना, उगना, उठना, उदित होना, उपस्थित होना, उबरना, उभरना, दरसना, दिखना, दिखाई देना, दिखाई देने लगना, दृश्यभूत होना, ध्यान आकर्षित करना, ध्यान आकर्षित होना, नज़र आना, नज़र पड़ना, नज़र मेँ आना, नमूदार होना, निकलना, प्रकटना, प्रकट होना, रूप दिखाना, विकसना, व्यक्त होना, सामने आना, सुझाई देना, स्पष्ट होना.
Similar Concepts
दिखाई देना, बात खुलना, साकार बनना.
Opposite Concepts
अंतर्धान होना, छद्मवेश धरना, छिपना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.