well-built adj
able-bodied, abloom, Amazonian, athletic, beefy, brawny, built like an ox, built strong, burly, compact, earthy, fine and dandy, firm, fit, hard, hard as nails, hardy, having what it takes, healthy, hearty, heavy, heavyset, heavyweight, hefty, Herculean, hunky-dory, iron, made of iron, masculine, mighty, muscle-bound, muscly, muscular, not soft, not weak, powerful, robust, robustious, rocky, ruddy, rugged, shipshape, sinewy, solid, solid-bodied, sound, springy, stalwart, steely, stout, strapping, strong, strongly-built, sturdy, tough, vigorous, wally, well-built, well-knit, wiry.
Similar Concepts
colossal, healthy, robust, shapely, tightened, well-nourished.
Opposite Concepts
delicate, plump, skeletal, small-bodied.
सुगठितकाय वि
अकोमल, अकोमलकाय, अकोमलांग, अकोमलांगी [अकोमलांगिनी], कठोर, कड़ा [कड़ी], कसरती, कसरती शरीर वाला, कसा [कसी], गठित, गठितकाय, गठीला [गठीली], गसीला [गसीली], घन, चट्टानी, चाकचक, टाँठा [टाँठी], ठस, ठोस, डौलेदार, तगड़ा [तगड़ी], दृढ़, दृढ़काय, दृढ़ मांसपेशी युक्त, दृढ़ांग, पक्का [पक्की], परपूठा [परपूठी], परिपुष्ट, पहलवान, पीन, पुख़्ता, पुट्ठेदार, पुश्त, पुष्ट, फ़ौलादी, बजरंग, बजरंग बली, मज़बूत, मांसपेशी युक्त, रुस्त, लौह, वज्र, वज्रदेह, वज्रांग, व्यायामी, संपुष्ट, संहत, सघन, सारवान, सुगठित, सुगठितकाय, सुदृढ़, सुदृढ़काय, सुपुष्ट, सुपोषित, स्नायविक, स्नायवीय, हृष्टपुष्ट.
Similar Concepts
कसा [कसी], बलिष्ठ, महाकाय, सुडौल, सुपोषित, स्वस्थ.
Opposite Concepts
कंकालमात्र, पृथुल, लघुकाय, सुकुमार.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.