youthful adj
Rhyming Words
alert, alive, blithe, blithesome, bloomed, blooming, bouncy, brisk, bubbling over, buoyant, burgeoning, canty, carefree, cheerful, cheery, abloom, cock-a-hoop, able, dewy-eyed, dynamic, ebullient, effervescent, enthusiastic, exuberant, fervid, fit, flaming, florid, flowery, flush, fresh, full, full of animal spirits, airy, agile, active, full of life, full of the devil, full-blooded, full-grown, gay, glowing, green, happy, hardworking, hardy, healthy, hearty, heated, high-spirited, irrepressible, jaunty, jazzy, ablaze, chipper, crouse, jumping, kinetic, lifelike, lightfooted, lighthearted, lightsome, lithe, live, lively, lusty, merry, new-fledged, not dry behind the ears, optimistic, peppy, perky, pinky, pleasant, prankish, red-blooded, resurgent, robust, roseate, rosy, sanguine, sanguineous, sharp, sprightly, starry-eyed, supple, unreserved, vernal, vibrant, vigorous, vital, vivacious, vivid, young, young-eyed, youthful, zestful, zingy, zippy.
यौवनपूर्ण वि
Rhyming Words
जवाँ, सरसौँहाँ, सरसौँहीँ, गचाका, मदमाता, उमगता, गोदा, पूर्णयौवना, गदराया, भरा पूरा, हरा भरा, मदभरा, मतवाला, खिला, जोशीला, नवेला, युवा, पूर्ण युवा, गदराई, गचाकी, बसंती, वसंती, मदमाती, उमगती, गुलाबी, भरी पूरी, हरी भरी, मदभरी, मतवाली, खिली, जोशीली, नवेली, उत्साही, यौवनिक, वयस्क, सरसब्ज़, क्रीड़ापूर्ण, उमंगपूर्ण, यौवनपूर्ण, कल्लोलपूर्ण, उत्साहपूर्ण, जीवंत, स्फुटित, विस्फुटित, प्रस्फुटित, विकसित, चुस्त, जवान, सचेतन, पूर्णयौवन, प्राप्तयौवन, संप्राप्तयौवन, सयौवन, गरम, सरगर्म, सक्रिय, भरपूर, गदर, गद्दर, ज़िंदादिल, स्वप्निल, उमंगशील, स्वप्नशील, उच्छल, प्रफुल्ल, सजीव, लहलह.
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