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The nearest match "vanasthAyI" in the Index is being displayed.
tapasvi n
an ascetic - someone practicing austerities.
anchorite, ascetic, eremite, flagellant, hermit, master, mendicant, monk, mortifier of the flesh, muni, recluse, religionary, sage, self-denier, self-tormenter, solitaire, solitary, stoic, tapasvi, yogi.
Similar Concepts
tapasvini, ashram, hermit, jitendriya, meditator, mendicant's ash, mendicant's fire, monastery, place of worship, recluse, rishi, sadhu, Samnyasa ashrami, seclusion, striver, woodlander, yogi.
Opposite Concepts
indulging person.
तपस्वी सं
तपस्वियोँ, तपस्वियों.
तपस्या करने वाला व्यक्ति.
खिदिर, जति, जती, जितेंद्रिय, जोगी, तप कर्ता, तपवंत, तपस, तपसी, तपस्वी, तपा, तपावंत, तपिया, तपी, तपोधन, तपोनिधि, तपोमय, तपोमूर्ति, तपोराशि, तपोव्रत, तापस, भट्टारक, महाज्ञानी, महामुनि, मुनि, मुनिवृत्ति, मूलिक, मौनी, यति, यती, योगवान, योगविद, योगारूढ़, योगी, वनप्रस्थ, वनस्थ, वनस्थायी, वाक्संयमी, वाग्यम, विजितेंद्रिय, विज्ञ, वैखानस, साध, साधक, साधु, सानु, सिद्ध, सुतपा, सुर, स्वजित.
Similar Concepts
तपस्विनी, आश्रम, उपासनालय, ऋषि, एकांत स्थान, जितेंद्रिय, धूनी, ध्यानी, भभूत, मठ, मठवासी, योगी, वनवासी, वैरागी, संन्यासी, साधक, साधु.
Opposite Concepts
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.