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body waste(s) n
Rhyming Words
animal shit, betel leaf spat out, bird droppings, body waste, s, dandruff, ear wax, eye rheum, hair filth, nasal mucus, night soil, perspiration, phlegm, saliva, skin filth, sputum, teeth scales, urine, vomit.
देहमल() सं
Rhyming Words
, विष्ठा, पसीना, मीँगनी, फूसी, पीक, थूक, बीट, मूत्र, मलमूत्र, वमित पदार्थ, कफ, लार, गोबर, दाँत मैल, कान मैल, नासिका मल, त्वचा मल, नेत्रमल, केश मल, देहमल.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.